Colour Your Garden - Sophistication Garden

Colour Your Garden - Sophistication Garden

A real stylish space with a pretty palette, dreamy pale pinks and soft mauve tones intensify to rich rose, violet and beyond. Elegant, beautiful and inviting, this setting brings warmth and a touch of romance to your garden.

How to Achieve the Look

A mixture of containers, hanging baskets and planted up borders, this is one of the most popular colour pallets, because of its sheer volume for choice of plants, achieving this look is easy!

Starting with pink, Digitalis Foxglove is one of the prettiest perennial plants you can put in your garden, with it's bell shaped flowers that bees absolutely love, it adds some much needed height to your borders. Underplant your Digitalis with Nemesia that come in shades of pink, lilac and violet as well as Verbena with it's darker shades, compliments the softer colours.

Comos Pink and Geranium Bulls Eye Cherry are great in your borders as well as Verbena bonariensis and Achillia Cherry Queen. Salvias are also a great addition, particularly the perennial variety May Night that also adds height to your display.

More Pink Plants to Consider

Shrubs – Cistus Purpurea, Escallonia Apple Blossom, Hydrangea Summer Pink, Rhododendron Winsome,  Spiraea japonica Goldflame

Perennials – Digitalis Purpurea, Geranium Westray, Sedum Autumn Joy, Penstemons, Echinacea, Dicentra Bleeding heart, Dahlias

Climbers – Clematis Montana, Clematis Nelly Moser

Bedding – Geraniums, Petunia Surfinia

Shop Pink Plants

Petunia SurfiniaNemesia PinkSedum Autumn JoyCosmos PinkGeranium Bulls Eye PinkDicentra Bleeding HeartsDigitalis FoxgloveHydrangea Summer PinkCistus Purpurea

Need more help? Come and visit us

By grouping colours together you really can achieve an amazing look for your garden. If you're thinking of creating your own Sophistication themed garden then visit your local branch of Thompson's Garden Centre, where our expert, knowledgeable plant staff are on hand to help guide you in the right direction.

Some of the plants mentioned above are seasonal plants and not available all year round, whilst others can be found all year round at the garden centre or by browsing our web shop.

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