Planting Step-by-Step Guides

Read our planting guides to make your garden thrive. We give you tips on planting flowering garden plants, as well as climbers, roses and conifers. Please visit one of our locations, and get everything you need to start your own cutting garden, flowering summer bedding, or perennial border. Do you have any questions? Our staff workers are always happy to help you. Can't find what you're looking for? Please contact us.
How to plant single-flowering perennials?
If you want to create a colourful garden, start by looking for plants with
the right growing conditions. These single-flowering Perennials will
thrive in your garden: Phlox, Daisy, Lavender, Brunnera and Echinacea.
Step-by-step guide on how to plant single
flowering perennials.
- Step 1: Set out the plant as required.
- Step 2: Dig a hole for the plant.
- Step 3: Immerse the plant's rootball thoroughly.
- Step 4: Remove the pot from the rootball.
- Step 5: Place the plant in the hole that you have dug.
- Step 6: Press down the soil around the plant.
- Step 7: Regularly water the new plant.
Popular perennials to plant in the garden
Plant perennials with different blooming times, to enjoy an
extended flowering season. The most beautiful
recurrently-flowering perennials are Milkweed, Japanese Anemone,
Foxtail, Geranium, Begonia, Daylily and Iris.
Step-by-step planting perennials guide
- Step 1: Set out the plant as required, leaving them enough room to grow.
- Step 2: Dig a hole for the plant.
- Step 3: Immerse the plant's rootball thoroughly.
- Step 4: Remove the pot from the rootball.
- Step 5: Place the plant in the hole that you have dug.
- Step 6: Press down the soil around the plant.
- Step 7: Regularly water the new plant.
Different Garden Roses to Plant
Here's a beginner's guide to start growing roses in
the garden, on the balcony, or on your patio.
We offer container-grown roses and bare-root roses.
We offer shrub roses, climbing roses, rambling roses,
patio roses, ground cover roses and roses by colour.
How to plant roses?
- Step 1: Choose the right rose for the spot, and get advice when you buy.
- Step 2: Position the rose and check the future result.
- Step 3: Dig a planting hole which is deep and wide enough
- Step 4: Carefully remove the pot from the rootball.
- Step 5: Place the rose in the planting hole.
- Step 6: Immediately water very thoroughly.
- Step 7: Carefully press down the soil around the rose.
- Step 8: Water the new rose regularly.
How to plant flowering plants in pots?
What do you need to plant flowering plants in pots?
Ornamental pots, potting compost, clay granules, plants.
- Step 1: First, place a layer of clay granules in the pots;
this makes them lighter than filling the entire pot with
potting soil. This will also prevent the potting compost
from being washed away with the water. - Step 2: Then add a layer of potting compost.
- Step 3: Remove the plants from their pots one by one.
- Step 4: Plant them in the ornamental pot and fill the space
between the rootballs with potting compost. - Step 5: Water immediately, and thereafter water regularly.
- Step 6: The potting compost provides sufficient nutrients
for around 6 weeks, after which you need to feed.
Why you should plant conifers
Conifers bring structure to your garden and add year-round interest.
How to plant conifers?
- Step 1: Dig a planting hole with a circumference greater than the rootball.
- Step 2: Dig in plenty of compost to enrich the soil in the planting hole.
- Step 3: Place the conifer with wrapped rootball in
the planting hole. If the conifer is potted, carefully remove
it from the pot and place it in the planting hole. - Step 4: Cut off the sacking.
- Step 5: Pull the sacking from under the rootball.
- Step 6: Fill in the plant hole with soil.
- Step 7: Carefully firm down the soil around the rootball.
- Step 8: Water well, and continue to do so if the weather remains dry.
Popular Climbers
Here are our top-5 popular climbers: Clematis, Wisteria,
Honeysuckle, Hedera Ivy, and Climbing Hydrangea.
How to plant climbers?
- Step 1: Dig a planting hole 20 to 25 cm from the trellis.
- Step 2: Dig in plenty of compost to enrich the soil in the planting hole.
- Step 3: Remove the climbing plant from the pot.
- Step 4: Place the climbing plant slanting next to the trellis.
- Step 5: Fill up the planting hole with soil so that the growth
point is placed below the surface. - Step 6: With a Clematis the base of the plant is protected
from the sun by planting low plants in front of it. - Step 7: Detach the tendrils from the cane and tie them to the trellis.
- Step 8: Water well, and continue to do so if the weather remains dry.