How to Start a Vegetable Patch

Spring is the perfect time of year to start your own vegetable patch, and by growing your own, it’s a rewarding way of getting fresh, healthy food straight from your garden.
Where do I start?
Choosing the right spot for your vegetable patch is important. It doesn’t have to be a large area, but it will need to be in a sunnier area of your garden as most crops need the sun to grow well. Its also worth choosing a spot that is more sheltered from strong winds. Consider using raised beds if the soil quality is bad. This can also help for easier access to your crops.
Preparing the soil
Once you’ve chosen a plot for your vegetable garden, you need to prepare the soil for planting. Firstly, dig out any perennial weeds from the area, leaving a week or so after so that any annual weeds brought to the surface can then also be removed with a hoe. Also remove any larger stones and roots from the area. Dig over the ground to around 1 spade depth. See our range of garden tools.
Neutral soil is the best soil for most vegetable crops. We recommend digging in a mixture of manure and multipurpose compost to the soil as well as a sprinkling of general purpose fertilizer like Bonemeal, so that it’s nice and rich with nutrients.
Planning Your Plot
Make a plan of what you want to grow and where, making sure each crop is evenly spaced out with enough room to grow. If possible lay out in blocks with paths in between, so that you have good access to every crop. Don’t overcrowd your plot!
Grow more than one crop of your favourite vegetable by staggering the planting period. Leaving a week or 2 between crops will give you a succession of crops, and you won’t have too much of one vegetable all in one go.
What Should I Grow
If you’ve never grown vegetables before, start off with an easier crop like potatoes(see our growing guide), beetroot, courgettes, carrots & salads like lettuce. Here at Thompson’s Garden Centre, we have specially pre-grown pack & pot vegetables, so you don’t have to grow from seed. These small plants are ideal for first time growers and are great value for money. Choose from:
- Beetroot
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Chard
- Cucumber
- Leek
- Runner Beans
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
Top Tips
- Make sure there’s a source of water near by to your vegetable plot
- Salads grow very quickly and will give you a good return.
- Sow crops a few weeks apart to stagger the harvesting period.
- Don’t overcrowd your plot
- The more care you give it, the more it will thrive
- Keep an eye out for pests
Why start a vegetable patch
- Save money
- Keeps you physically active
- Get the kids involved
- Harvesting your own crops is extremely satisfying