How to Plant & Hanging Basket

Have you ever thought of planting up your own hanging baskets? Imagine the satisfaction you get out of seeing your creation burst into flower, giving your garden an injection of vibrant colour. Your jealous neighbour asks you "Where did you get those lovely hanging baskets from?" and you reply "I made them myself".
So if you're thinking of giving it a go, then follow our step by step guide and we'll help you create hanging baskets you can be proud of.
Shopping List:
- Wire or wicker basket of your choice
- Sphagnum moss or ready made fibre liner
- Plastic bin liner
- Thompson's Multipurpose compost
- Plants of your choice
- Miracle Gro Continuous Release Plant Food
Step 1: Remove one of the hanging basket chains and stand the basket on a flower pot or small saucepan to keep it steady. Cover the inside of the basket with an even layer of fibre liner or sphagnum moss.
Step 2: Lay out the plastic bin liner inside the basket, against the fibre or lining of the pot. Cut around the edges of the bin liner where it overlaps the basket. Make sure that the bin liner is hidden from view.
Step 3: Firm in some potting mix at the bottom of the basket or pot, about 2.5cm (1in) deep. At soil level, make three cuts of 2cm (0.75in) across, through the bin liner to allow for drainage but leaving enough depth to form a small reservoir.
Step 4: Mix your Miracle-Gro slow release plant food in with your compost before planting. The granules release tiny amounts of plant food each day, ensuring your plants are not short of balanced nutrients during the Summer. Healthier plants produce more flowers for longer periods.
Step 5: Place your plants (still in their pots) in your baskets so you get a layout you're happy with. Use trailing plants around the edges and a centre piece plant for the middle. Remove the plants from pots, and firm in with your compost mix. Water thoroughly and place in your garden.
What Compost Should I use?
We always recommend a good quality multipurpose compost as it can be used for your hanging baskets, containers, tubs, as well as your beds and borders. However, there are other more specific composts to consider.
Miracle-Gro Moisture Control compost is a high quality growing medium enriched with Miracle-Gro plant food. It absorbs more water than ordinary soils, releasing it to the plant roots as required. Great for long periods of dry, hot weather.
What Plants Should I use?
For a mixed basket it's a good idea to use trailing plants in your basket so that they cascade over the edges as they grow, Choose a good centre-piece with some height to it like a Fuchsia or Geranium. Think about your colour scheme and buy plants accordingly. Trailing Geraniums, Petunia Surfinia or Impatiens are a great way of producing a mass of colour in your baskets.
Prolonging The Life of Your Hanging Baskets
The most important thing to remember is to water your hanging baskets. It's surprising how quickly they dry out when subjected to long, hot Summer days. Using a moisture control compost will help, but in the height of Summer, or on those warmer days, water them every day. We recommend watering after the sun has gone down or first thing in the morning, so that you have less chance of evaporation from the mid-day sun. Otherwise regularly check the soil to avoid it drying out.
Regular dead-heading is important, if neglected, the developing seed head will have seriously inhibited growth of the new flower bud. Consider removing all open flowers that are beginning to wither. This will allow the plant to generate more leaves and shoots. If you haven't already used a slow release fertilizer in the soil, feed your baskets regularly with a liquid feed to help encourage new growth.
Don't forget, here at Thompson's Garden Centre we are always here to help. If you need some advice, just pop in to your local branch and ask.
Good Luck
Don't fancy planting your own? You can always buy ready planted hanging baskets here at Thompson's