Perfect Perennials for Autumn

Perfect Perennials for Autumn

The 9cm range of herbaceous perennials return every September to Thompson's Garden Centre. This fantastic collection of plants provides a huge choice at exceptional value, and if you plant them right now, you'll have an amazing display of colourful plants from next spring.

Why Autumn is the Natural time to plant

There couldn't be a more perfect time to plant perennials in your garden as the autumn conditions are ideal for them. Warmer soil from the summer, coupled with increased rainfall really gives them a great chance to put down their roots before the colder weather sets in, but there is a catch. You won't see the benefits of these plants until next year. Autumn really is about establishing a good strong, healthy root system for your perennials so that they thrive in Spring. Once the cold weather sets in your perennials are going to die back to a clump and won't be much to look at, but be patient! The Spring will come and your perennials will come back to life, and because of the strong roots they've already established, they will flourish into fully grown plants in no time at all.


Value for money

Here at Thompson's we grow herbaceous perennials in 3 different pot sizes. The 2 sizes that are readily available at the garden centre for the majority of the year are a 2 litre sized pot and a 1 litre sized pot, so this represents different growing stages of the perennials. The most established, larger plant is in the 2 litre pot, whilst a medium sized perennial will be in the 1 litre sized pot. With the introduction of the 9cm pot for a limited time, these plants are smaller and at the earlier stages of growth, which means we are able to sell them to you at a price much less than the larger pots. 

Did you know we grow over 120 varieties in our 9cm perennial collection, including these varieties any much more:

  • Achillea
  • Aquilegia
  • Aster
  • Campanula
  • Coreopsis
  • Delphiniums
  • Digitalis
  • Echinacea
  • Gailardia
  • Heuchera
  • Lobelia
  • Lupins
  • Papaver
  • Penstemon
  • Primula
  • Salvia


Top tips for perfect perennials


  • When planting, sprinkle a handful of plant feed into the soil to encourage good root growth

  • Water well until established

  • Use slug pellets to protect your young plants from getting eaten

Planting suggestions


As a guide, plant low growing perennials at the front of the border, medium height in the middle of the border and taller varieties towards the back. Plant perennials in groups of three plants to produce a more immediate and bolder impact. Don't forget to leave a label in the ground when you plant, as once they die back, they all look the same and you'll have a good idea what to look out for when new growth emerges.


Visit your local branch of Thompson's Garden Centre for our full range of great value 9cm perennial plants, and get planting now, it's the perfect time!