Hosepipe bans: what you need to know

Two words to strike fear into the heart of any gardener are 'hosepipe' and 'ban'. But if you're unlucky enough to be in an area where a ban is announced, it needn't be the end of your gardening fun.

Each water area's rules for hosepipe bans are different, so check your local company's website to make sure you know what's allowed and what's not. Generally, watering your garden using an ordinary hosepipe is forbidden: so is cleaning paths and patios with a hose, or filling swimming pools, paddling pools or ponds unless you're using containers filled from a tap.

We've also got plenty of water butts to choose from to help you save rain to use during times of drought, and of course you can stock up on watering cans from our extensive range. Our garden centre in Chislehurst, Newchurch, Canterbury, Welling and Newport staff can help with other water-saving measures you can take to beat the ban, so feel free to ask their advice.

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